Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Boom, Roasted.

Hola everyone!

It has been so long since I have written that I do not even know where to begin.
We have been to two carribean islands which were both good and different in their own way. We are currently back in Cartagena, and I am very glad to be back in the city.
Our plans have changed slightly since I last updated you guys. The Baranquilla team is now going to Baranquilla this weekend, and only spending three days there. Instead of going to Baranquilla for a month, we are going to Santa Marta for a week and a half, and we will be spending more time in Cartagena.

Our ministry time has been really great. Our team is usually on the same page, and we work well together. Most of our ministry has been working with children and doing street performing. We have all been looking for ways of us to bless the people we are staying with, and ways to encourage the missionaries that are here for the long haul. The food here is awesome. The people in colombia really spoil us ¨Gringos¨. We have been able to go to some amazing beaches in our down time, and we were all really sunburned for awhile. I think our hosts felt sorry for us because we were so miserable after one paticular day at the beach.

Although this trip has not been easy, God has really been teaching me a lot. He has been teaching me about a daily and real sacrifice of my life, about a daily diving into his word, about a daily surrender to HIS will, and a daily choice to have a good attitude and a remembering of why I am here. I have come to admire and respect the missionaries that are here forever. They have such a heart for hurting and lost people that they are willing to give everything. Giving everything always sounds good on paper, and even to say out loud, but when it comes down to real life, it is much more difficult. I keep asking myself if I have what it takes to do this; to be a missionary for the rest of my life. To sacrifice being close to my family, my southern culture, the USA comfort, my time, and my desires. I have wrestled with this thought for awhile, and I always seem to come back to the same simple solution: What I have witnessed here in Colombia, and what I now know about the character of God, I cannot turn my back on. So, whatever God has me do, whether that is returning to college and living in the States, or whether that is living in the jungle for the rest of my life...I will do it, because I refuse to settle for second best when it comes to my relationship with God. I want whatever God wants.

Adios Amigos!! Until I write again!!


  1. Wow, Hali...wow. God is so good! All I can say is I feel encouraged, convicted & challenged.
    Dad is on the couch while I'm reading your blog & he says "Are you okay, hun...are your sinus' bothering you?" No, I say, I'm just crying reading Hali's blog. Dad is laughing now. I love & miss you so...but wouldn't trade for a minute what God is doing in your life. love, Mom

  2. Your devotion and revelation in who God is and what He wants you to do is amazing! I pray for His continued protection and renewed strength. i cannot wait to hear stories of these street performances and people that you have met. while you may be headed back to the field i do indeed look forward to your state side return if nothing else to encourage us to dig in deeper!! sav and i love you!!

  3. I want to know more about the street performances!

    You would be an awesome missionary, no matter where you end up. We are still praying for you daily! Can't wait to see you!

  4. Sheesh, You made me tear up...
    I have been up all night studying so I'll blame it on fatigue..
    However... that part about not "turning your back" was the clearest ray of light I have seen since I came to this dimly lit, however beautiful, city.
    I miss you- remember how I said part of me is missing?- and no matter what happens I hope you know I won't ever think that you made a bad decision or whatever by not going back to school, or something stupid like that.
    Just thought I'd get that out there.
