Sunday, January 25, 2009


This week we had the pleasure of hearing from Jim Stiers at the beginning of the week and from Mekiesha Smith again at the end of the week. Jim as a young man started YWAM Brazil and was once the president of YWAM. He is an amazing example of how we are to live our lives in obedience with God. Here are some quotes from this week:

Jim Stier:
"In this world, any kind of satisfaction we get; the price of that satisfaction will grow and grow, while the satisfaction will diminish."

"My depression was not a fixed temperment, just an emotional habit."

"We try to punish ourselves into purity, when in reality that doesn't work. Punishing ourselves creates inside of us an empty feeling, feeling ashamed, neediness, and our refusal to forgive ourselves. Guilt doesn't purify anything.
What works: Focusing on the character of God. As we focus on Him we begin to feel full, full of hope and God begins to purify us."

"Emotions make very bad leaders, but very good servants."

"Am I content to be a good "culteral" Christian with mediocre existents who is dried up, or am I going to endure the stretching and molding of God in my life?"

"Love is the constant sacrificial giving of ones self, regardless of return."

Mekeisha Smith:
"This God we have made and because we have made Him; because we have created HIm, He can never surprise us, never overhwlem us nor astonish nor transcend us." -A.W. Tozer

"Truth has the power to effect your life; but your perception of truth effects it more."

"We should not judge God's character by other people. One should look at the original"

"Many people believe they can't do everything, so sadly, they just do nothing."

"Where are we?! Because, God is not missing in action! HE is calling and we are not responding! We are allowing everything to distract us from the heart of God! When we do this we are saying "I don't care about others, and I don't want to feel the pain that others feel" As Christians, if we refuse to act in this world, people are left with no representation of Christ."

" People can watch horrible suffering and while they watch they will say "oh my god, that is horrible" and go back to eating there dinner."

"Condemnation is NO motivation, the only motivation we should have is God. We don't have time for condemnation, just conviction and CHANGE. Feel the pain, and then let if fuel you for service."

"We should be praying for a call to stay, because we clearly are called to go." -Keith Green

"May the Lamb that was slain recieve the reward of His suffering" -Moravian Missionaries who sold themselves into life long slavery so that they could minister to slaves (This was the last thing they said to there families as they were shipped off to the island to live as slaves and never see their families again.)"

As you can see we have learned SO much this week. Not only are we all convicted, but we are ready to act! I pray that we will REMEMBER all that is being taught to us. Now that I am aware of these things, I am held to an even higher standard, because I know the truth! I am praying for everyone back home, I hope you all are well! I love ya'll.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"A Time For Everything"

Hey guys!
Well, another week has started, and it has been great! We have a new speaker and his name is Jim Stier. His teaching style is very different from Mekeisha's, but he still has some very good topics and points. In my next blog I will give ya'll some quotes of what we have been learning about! This weekend was very relaxing and fun. We visited a non-denominational church called "Church on a Hill". It was different from what I'm use to because they had many different speakers preach. My favorite part was the worship and the coffee shop :). After church we went to play soccer, which was a lot of fun. I unfortunately am VERY out of it was a bit challenging. It is tuesday and I am still unrealistically sore from playing. As a result of realizing how out of shape I am, me and my roomates were going to get up early this morning and run, however, that plan fell through due to being SO tired! It is sunny today, and everything is green and pretty! I am enjoying it here so much, and I thank God that I have this opportunity to set aside so much time to get to know my creator!
I love you all, and I miss you.
More to come SOON...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Greetings ya'll!
Today was a really relaxing day. We had class from 9:30 to 12:30 and after that we had free time! A group of girls from our team decided that we would go to a Ukranian restraunt and eat, and then we would go the mall. It was really nice to be able to walk around and hang out.
We have been learning so much from class, and here are a few quotes we have been learning:

On Hearing God's Voice
"If your frustrations in your life serve their highest purpose, they will chase you into the throne room."

"When God speaks: Universes are created, stars are born, laws are put into motion, nations are created, angels hush, and so much more."

"However God chooses to speak to you, do NOT make Him shout."

"When we learn to hear from God ourselves it removes the middle man, so you hear exactly what God intended."

What Keeps Me From Hearing God
1.lack of recognition of God's voice
2. Sin (believing what I hold in my hand is more important than God)
3. Spiritual Warfare
4. God is silent
5. Our unwillingness to ask questions
6. Our unwillingness to wait

All For Christ
"Our question in life should not be "where will I go when I die?" but "who will I love while I'm alive?"

"I believe that God has called enough men and women to reach all of the unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call; it is men who do not respond."-Isobel Kuuhn (Missionary to China and Thailand)

"When you get closer to the heart of God you learn how to take up your cross and join the fellowship of suffering"

"Live your life so fully for God, that your life is useless for anything else."

"Missions exists, because worship doesn't"-John Piper

"God has not called us specifically to martydom, but he has called us to be a living sacrifice"

"Jesus is our DAILY bread; yesterday's quiet time is not going to get you through today's trials"

"A gift withough a heart behind it is a bribe. God asks for our heart, not our gifts." -Samuel Chadwic

"If a commission by a king is considered an honor, how can acommissioin by the heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?"-David Livingstone

Sorry if these quotes don't make sense, these were just some of the ones that I felt like should be put on here! I love you all, and miss you bunches!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Oregon Trail; More Spiritual Growth Then Expected

Hey from Oregon! The internet has been down for awhile, and I have been aching to update you guys on what has been going on!
Yesterday our team heard from a lady named Mekeisha Smith. This lady speaks with amazing passion and TRUTH. When I have my journal with me next time I will write some quotes of what we have been is truly life-changing material! Here is my schedule:
7:15-8:30 AM : Wake up, take shower, eat granola bar do devotions
8:30-10:45:Class time (This week Mekeisha Smith Spoke on "Hearing God's Voice)
10:45-11:00:Break time (Coffee and donated starbucks baked goods available)
11:00-12:30: Class (Mekeisha Smith)
12:30-1:30: Lunch, Break time
1:30-3:00: Class (Bible Meditation, or Some other class)
3:00-5:00: Active Work Service ( I work in the Childcare and take care of Staff members kids, lots of fun:) )
5:15-7:00: dinner, break time
7:00-whenever: Outreach, YWAM values...or occasionally break time

This is just a rough schedule, sometimes we do different kinds of things. Yesterday we got to do a rope course, and it was really team building. It was awesome to see a group of strangers work together to get everyone through the course, and also see strangers putting other strangers needs before their own. I have discussed with many of my team members and we are all amazed at how fast we have all bonded. We all decided that obviously it is Christ that has made that possible! I am keeping you all in my prayers, and the verse at the top of my blog describes everything I am feeling at this moment! I love every single one of you, and I miss your beautiful southern faces!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oregon:True Life

Hey Ya'll!
It is my second day here in Oregon, and I thought I would give everyone the run-down on what has been going on here!
Monday morning I took my flight from Charlotte at 6AM to the Atlanta airport. It was probably the shortest flight ever, and I arrived in Atl at around 6:45AM. I had no trouble at all finding my connecting flight because I only had to walk down the hall and I was at the gate that I needed. I got on that flight and had the pleasure of sitting by a Woman named Ginger who was a Christian! She prayed for me before we landed, and we had a really pleasent flight together. Although, we didn't realize until five hours into the seven hour flight that we could watch the movies on our individual screens for free (we thought you had to pay, and had been making fun of our seat partner for watching them and "paying" so much) I landed in Oregon tired, but excited to be on the ground. From there, I met two "YWAMER's" who helped me get my bags and drove me to the base. At this point in time everything was pretty much a blur (due to the constant tear flow, and jet lag). I met all the people who were extremely nice, but I was still really homesick. I ended up going to bed really early that night. I woke up at four in the morning freaking out and wanting to come home, but I texted my mom and she got me through it. The next morning I woke up still crying and I still wanted to come home. Fortunately, I went to the morning class (after devotions) and I got to hear everyone's stories of how they came to YWAM and what life was like before YWAM. It was SO encouraging. After that, I had class three more times, with work duty (in child care) and lunch and dinner in between. The most exciting thing I did today was going to downtown Salem and "street evangelizing". What I really liked about their type of "street evangelizing" is their focus on building relationships first, before overwhelming people with evangelizing to them. It was really interesting to just talk to people and see what their views were on different things.
Sorry this is so gramatically awful. I am in a hurry!
BUT I love all of you and miss you SO much!!!