Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Oregon Trail; More Spiritual Growth Then Expected

Hey from Oregon! The internet has been down for awhile, and I have been aching to update you guys on what has been going on!
Yesterday our team heard from a lady named Mekeisha Smith. This lady speaks with amazing passion and TRUTH. When I have my journal with me next time I will write some quotes of what we have been is truly life-changing material! Here is my schedule:
7:15-8:30 AM : Wake up, take shower, eat granola bar do devotions
8:30-10:45:Class time (This week Mekeisha Smith Spoke on "Hearing God's Voice)
10:45-11:00:Break time (Coffee and donated starbucks baked goods available)
11:00-12:30: Class (Mekeisha Smith)
12:30-1:30: Lunch, Break time
1:30-3:00: Class (Bible Meditation, or Some other class)
3:00-5:00: Active Work Service ( I work in the Childcare and take care of Staff members kids, lots of fun:) )
5:15-7:00: dinner, break time
7:00-whenever: Outreach, YWAM values...or occasionally break time

This is just a rough schedule, sometimes we do different kinds of things. Yesterday we got to do a rope course, and it was really team building. It was awesome to see a group of strangers work together to get everyone through the course, and also see strangers putting other strangers needs before their own. I have discussed with many of my team members and we are all amazed at how fast we have all bonded. We all decided that obviously it is Christ that has made that possible! I am keeping you all in my prayers, and the verse at the top of my blog describes everything I am feeling at this moment! I love every single one of you, and I miss your beautiful southern faces!


  1. Maybe last summer helped a little with your afternoon service time!!! We start a study called "Discerning the Voice of God" in a few weeks so i look forward to your quotes from Mekeisha.

  2. Hey Hay! ok this is so totally cool because tonight a BCM (i really really didnt want to go at first) bur i got there and the guy was the pastor at radius church in Greenville and he pretty much talked about how far are YOU willing to go to truly learn about are we willing to leave our family and set aside not 10 or 15 min. but our WHOLE day for "getting to know god time"...i just kept thinking baout you over and over and some of us prayed for you. BCM started at 9:00...we didnt leave until 12:30 and that was only when we HAD to because of sound laws... it was incredible. In most of the halls in the dorms now every night about 11:30 prayer times are starting...anyone can come...youll be in the prayers...God is really working at the university right now. cant wait to see you. You were the first to go "all the way" to learn about your savior...those of us back home are learning that too... thank you for listening to our savior...sorry this is aweful typing but you get it...i love you very much. you are in my prayers! love elyse

  3. Good to hear the excitement in your post. Even you just mentioning the Ropes course brought back memories of the upper & lower ropes course I did with my missions team back in college... Very bonding!

  4. Hali, we are so proud of you! You are in our thoughts & prayers! Your blog is very inspiring! Keep us posted. Love ya!

  5. haha Annette, it most definitely did! I will be posting those quotes shortly :)
    Elyse, I answered you on facebook. :)
    Mr. Steve, the ropes courses really were a LOT of fun...we did some more today that were really fun!
    Kevin and Cissy, thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement, it makes me so glad to hear that people are reading my blog!
    I love and miss all of you!

  6. Hali...
    I'm so happy to hear that you are doing well. I know you have moments of being homesick, but I know also that God will be your strength. It sounds like you are already doing so many neat things and I'm glad that you are bonding well. I'm glad you are posting on your blog so that we can follow along on your journey. I think of you and pray for you often.

  7. Yay to what you and elyse BOTH said! I can't wait to tell you about RUF at CofC. It looks like it's going to be a salid foundation of truth in all the madness.. And believe me, it's insane. lol I love you I am praying for ya!
